Tools50 +

More than 50 Human Resources tools

Skype for Certification in Testing and RHManager: tests.disc

Coordinate a training to use our Tool platform

1. Online Labor Climate Survey Tool

2. Reasons for Departure

3. 360 evaluations

4. Performance Evaluation

5. Rotation Monitor

6. Interview by Competences

7. Salary Survey

8. Reference Check

9. Profile Manager

10. Process Manager

11. Job description dictionary

12. Skills description dictionary

13. Training Videos

14. Video Jobs

15. Microsoft Word Testing – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

16. Microsoft Word Macro tests

17. Microsoft Excel Testing – Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

18. Testing of Microsoft Excel Formulas

19. Microsoft Excel Graphics Testing

20. Mental Fitness Tests – beginner, intermediate, advanced.

21. English tests – beginner, intermediate, advanced.

22. Driver Testing

23. Competition Tests

24. Accounting Assistant Testing

25. General Accountant Tests

26. Financial Manager Tests

27. Skill Tests

28. Emotional Intelligence Tests

29. Leadership Testing

30. Motivation Tests

31. Opinion tests

32. Professional Orientation Tests

33. Behavior Profile Tests

34. Securities Tests

35. Sales Tests

36. DISC-ADEP Test (Authoritarian, Retailer, Stable, Persuasive)

37. DISC-DIAV Test (Desires, Interests, Attitudes, Values)

38. DISC-ADEP Test: Sales

39. DISC-ADEP Test: Customer Service

39. DISC-ADEP Test: Customer Service

40. GIVIS: Virtual Exchange Group between Human Resources Colleagues

41. CVR Summarized Curriculums

42. Custom Tests

43. Private Corporate Base with all the benefits of a digital archive of resumes

44. Miniweb microsite with logo

45. Publication and Administration of Announcements

46. Access to Databases

47. Multiuser Plan

48. Your Website for Consultants and Companies

49. Your domain and email accounts

50. Recruitment with Social Networks

51. Domain certification of and

52. Domain certification of RHManager HR Management

53. Talent Matrix

54. KPI´s

55. Strategic HR Plan

56. STAR interviews